Create a custom cache driver

Create a custom cache driver

Extending BentoCache with your own cache driver is easy. What you need is a class that implements the L1CacheDriver or L2CacheDriver interfaces accessible from bentocache/types. The interface is defined as follows:

interface L2CacheDriver {
* Returns a new instance of the driver namespace
namespace(namespace: string): CacheDriver
* Get a value from the cache
get(key: string): Promise<string | undefined>
* Get the value of a key and delete it
* Returns the value if the key exists, undefined otherwise
pull(key: string): Promise<string | undefined>
* Put a value in the cache.
* If `ttl` is not defined, the value will be stored forever
* Returns true if the value was set, false otherwise
set(key: string, value: string, ttl?: number): Promise<boolean>
* Check if a key exists in the cache
has(key: string): Promise<boolean>
* Remove all items from the cache
clear(): Promise<void>
* Delete a key from the cache
* Returns true if the key was deleted, false otherwise
delete(key: string): Promise<boolean>
* Delete multiple keys from the cache
deleteMany(keys: string[]): Promise<boolean>
* Closes the connection to the cache.
* Some drivers may not need this
disconnect(): Promise<void>

Similarly, the L1CacheDriver interface is the same, except that it is not async.

So this should be quite easy to implement. Feel free to take a lot at the existing drivers implementations for inspiration.

Also note that your driver will receive two additional parameters in the constructor : ttl and prefix. These parameters are common to every driver and their purpose is explained in the options page.

Once you defined your driver, you can create a factory function that will be used by Bentocache to create instances of your driver at runtime. The factory function must be something like this:

import type { CreateDriverResult } from 'bentocache/types'
export function myDriver(options: MyDriverOptions): CreateDriverResult<MyDriver> {
return {
factory: (config: MyDriverOptions) => new MyDriver(config)

Finally, you can use your driver when creating a new instance of Bentocache:

import { BentoCache, bentostore } from 'bentocache'
const bento = new BentoCache({
default: 'myStore',
stores: {
myStore: bentostore()
.useL2Layer(myDriver({ /* Your driver options */ }))

Create an adapter for the DatabaseDriver

If your want to use a database to store your cache entries, you don't need to create a full driver. You can leverage the adapter system available with the database driver.

We only ship adapter for Kysely and Knex to interact with the database for now. If ever you want to use another library, you can create your own adapter by implementing the DatabaseAdapter interface accessible from bentocache/types. The interface is defined as follows:

* Interface for a DatabaseAdapter that can be used with the DatabaseDriver
export interface DatabaseAdapter {
* Set the table name for the adapter
setTableName(tableName: string): void
* Get an entry from the database
get(key: string): Promise<{ value: any; expiresAt: number | null } | undefined>
* Delete an entry from the database
* You should return true if the entry was deleted, false otherwise
delete(key: string): Promise<boolean>
* Delete multiple entries from the database
* Should return the number of entries deleted
deleteMany(keys: string[]): Promise<number>
* Disconnect from the database
disconnect(): Promise<void>
* Create the cache table if it doesn't exist
* This method is responsible for checking it the table
* exists before creating it
createTableIfNotExists(): Promise<void>
* Remove expired entries from the cache table
pruneExpiredEntries(): Promise<void>
* Clear all entries from the cache table
clear(prefix: string): Promise<void>
* Set a value in the cache
* You should also make sure to not create duplicate entries for the same key.
* Make sure to use `ON CONFLICT` or similar
set(row: { key: string; value: any; expiresAt: Date | null }): Promise<void>

You can take a look at the code of the Kysely adapter or the Knex adapter for inspiration.

Once you defined your adapter, you can create your own store that use the DatabaseDriver and your adapter:

export class PrismaAdapter implements DatabaseAdapter {
// ...
import { DatabaseDriver } from '@bentocache/drivers/database'
export function prismaDriver(options: PrismaOptions): CreateDriverResult<DatabaseDriver> {
return {
factory: () => {
const adapter = new PrismaAdapter(config)
return new DatabaseStore(adapter, config)


If you want to test your driver and its compliance, Bentocache is shipped with a test suite for Japa that you can use. Note that you will also need to have @japa/assert installed. Then, you can use it like this:

import { test } from '@japa/runner'
import { registerCacheDriverTestSuite } from 'bentocache/test_suite'
import { MyDriver } from '../src/my_driver.js''My Driver', (group) => {
createDriver: (options) => new MyDriver({
myOption: 'myValue',

Then just run your tests as usual with Japa.