

Namespaces are a way to organize your cache entries by grouping them into some categories and hierarchies. They are also useful when you want to invalidate a whole group of keys in one go.

Basically, what BentoCache does internally is it prefixes all the keys with the namespace you provide.

Let's take an example.

const usersNamespace = bento.namespace('users');
bento.set('products', products)
usersNamespace.set({ key: '1', value: { name: 'John' } });
usersNamespace.set({ key: '2', value: { name: 'Jane' } });
usersNamespace.set({ key: '3', value: { name: 'Doe' } });

Here, the bento.namespace('users') call will return a new instance of the driver. Further calls to methods via this instance will basically automatically prefix the keys with users:.

So, the usersNamespace.set({ key: '1', value: { name: 'John' } }) call will actually set the key users:1 in the cache. Similarly, the usersNamespace.clear() call will clear only the keys that start with users:.

Therefore, the products key will not be affected by the usersNamespace.clear() call. It will only clear the users:1, users:2 and users:3 keys.

Some notes

  • By calling bento.clear() with the "root" instance, you will clear ALL keys in the cache, regardless of the namespace.
  • Namespaces can be nested. For example, you can have a users namespace, and then a users:admins. clear methods will still only clear the current namespace.
  • When interacting with the "root" BentoCache instance, you can still access the keys that were set via a namespace. For example, you can still access the users:1 key via bento.get({ key: 'users:1' }).

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