

Throughout its execution, Bentocache emits different events that can be listened to and received on your end. This allows you to do a lot of things, but mainly for monitoring purposes. Imagine a small Grafana dashboard backed by Prometheus that allows you to see the real-time status and behavior of your cache. Wouldn't that be nice?

Listening to Events

You simply need to use the on method of the Bentocache instance to listen to events.

bento.on('cache:hit', ({ key, value, store }) => {
console.log(`cache:hit: ${key}, value ${value}, store ${store}`)

There is also the once method that allows you to listen to an event only once.

bento.once('cache:hit', ({ key, value, store }) => {
console.log(`cache:hit: ${key}, value ${value}, store ${store}`)

And finally, the off method that allows you to remove a listener.

const listener = ({ key, value, store }) => {
console.log(`cache:hit: ${key}, value ${value}, store ${store}`)
bento.on('cache:hit', listener)'cache:hit', listener)

Using Your Own Emitter

If you already have an event emitter in your application, you can pass it to Bentocache so that it uses it instead of its own emitter.

const emitter = new EventEmitter()
const bento = new BentoCache({
default: 'memory',
stores: {
memory: bentostore().useL1Layer(memoryDriver()),

You can also use an emitter that is not an EventEmitter, as long as it implements the Emitter interface:

export interface Emitter {
on: (event: string, cb: (...values: any[]) => void) => void
once: (event: string, cb: (...values: any[]) => void) => void
off: (event: string, cb: (...values: any[]) => void) => void
emit: (event: string, ...values: any[]) => void

Emittery is notably a good alternative to Node.js's EventEmitter that is compatible with this interface.

List of Events


Emitted when a key is found in the cache.

Payload: { key, value, store, graced }

  • key: The key that was found in the cache
  • value: The value that was found in the cache
  • store: The name of the store that was used to retrieve the value
  • graced: true when the value was retrieved from a grace period


Emitted when a key is not found in the cache.

Payload: { key, store }

  • key: The key that was not found in the cache
  • store: The name of the store that was used to retrieve the value


Emitted when a key is written to the cache.

Payload: { key, value, store }

  • key: The key that was written to the cache
  • value: The value that was written to the cache


Emitted when the key is removed from the cache.

Payload: { key, store }

  • key: The key that was removed from the cache
  • store: The name of the store that was used to remove the value


Emitted when the cache is emptied.

Payload: { store }

  • store: The name of the store that was emptied


Emitted when the bus publishes a message to other applications.

Payload: { message }

  • message: The message that was published


Emitted when the application receives a message instructing it to update its cache.

Payload: { message }

  • message: The message that was received